Wednesday, January 23, 2013

News, News, Random News That Come Straight From My Freaking Out Brain!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone! Did ya miss me?! I doubt it, since y'all aren't viewing! Come ON people!

I'm just kidding. Yes, I wish my blog was more popular, but what can you expect from a socially rejected nerd geek that lives in the middle of freakin nowhere!? Yeah, I didn't expect much.

For those of you who ARE looking at this... I did finish Matched...I don't know who the author is and I'm too lazy to look it up, so deal with it. And it's a best-seller, so you probably know the trilogy...Matched, Cross, and Reached.
Anyways, I didn't really like it all that much. I have absolutely nothing against people who DID enjoy it, I'm just saying it's not really the book for me. I'm more of an action with a little romance kind of gal--it HAS to have some action.
Reasons I didn't really like Matched:
  1. It didn't have action.
  2. It was a love triangle--which I don't really like. I did read Twilight and The Hunger Games and enjoyed both of them, but I knew who was going to end up with the girl in both of those. I don't like it when they just CAN'T decide, because they're in love with both! I just hate it. Some girls don't get one guy, but girls in books get BOTH guys?
  3. It kind of dragged on for me.
  4. It was repetitive.
  5. I had a ton of other stuff to read, but I had to read this one. It kept me from reading a book that I've been DYING to get. I know it's not Matched's fault, but STILL *I scream in a whiny voice*!!!!!
Yep, those are the reasons. I did enjoy parts of it, though. I did enjoy the futuristic thing, but even that was a bit extreme. I would give this book 3 stars.

On to other stuff....
Right now, if I had to rate myself on a scale of 8 to 14 on how crazy I am with 8 being my normal self and 14 being to ALMOST Bailey's level, I would rate myself at a freakin 13.8! Yesterday, I forgot to turn in my Algebra homework until the end of the hour! That might not be a big deal to you, but think about it...that is a week's worth of work, since we turn in all of our homework from the last week on the day after the weekend. If we don't turn in our homework before the tardy bell starting class, we lose half credit! It's like I didn't turn in 3 days worth of assignments.
And then all of this other stuff has happened and I just can't focus on anything. I feel like I'm just losing it.
Right now, I get about 8 hours of sleep...Why am I still tired? Every second I'm tired. I just...don't know what's going on. I am really stressed, and I know that makes you more tired, but I'm sleeping! And I can't remember anything from the day before. I'm just lost on everything. If you ask me what happened yesterday morning or what today's date is, I wouldn't be able to answer! It sucks.

Okay, I'm done with freaking out via internet. How's your day going?

Richie is bugging me about watching Doctor Who, but I can't. HE WON'T STOP BUGGING ME! WHY!? DOESN'T HE SEE THAT I'M ALREADY STRESSED AND FREAKING OUT!!!!

And someone from my past said hi to me in the hallway today. Why? I don't want to talk to him. I don't even remember what we disagreed about a long time ago, but seriously...he just does that to annoy me and I have HAD IT!

This is getting really long. I'm sorry. For those of you who made it this far....
This is bunny.

I like bunny.

Thanks for tuning in!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry bout you being stressed out all the time, I'll leave you alone for a while. Oh yeah, and I have to ask. . .ALMOST? I rate more than a 14? Awwww Shucks you didn't have ta.
