Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nerdy Nerdness from the Nerd

Hey people!

Okay, so my day so far has been a mix of good things and bad things and somewhat impartial things that can't pick either good or bad!! The bad thing was my glasses broke...which just really sucks, since I'm practically blind without them.


So, now I'm going to talk about a new television show I love (other than Doctor Who).  It's called Brain Games and it is completely amazing! My favorite person on it is Apollo because he is freaking amazing! The host guy is cool too, but Apollo is good with tricking you and picking your pocket. It's so awesome.

I learned from that show about how your brain can trick you, and how people can be under the illusion that it's humanly possible to multitask.

Anyways... Here's the list of books I'm currently reading at the same time.

  • Apollyon by Jennifer Armentrout
  • The Elite Kiera Cass
  • Until I Die by Amy Plum...? I think?
  • Divergent by... come on, if you don't know which book divergent is, you're living under a freaking rock--no offense intended.
  • Unfaz,,,something along those lines... I don't know the end of the word.  Don't expect me to know the author if I can't name it.
  • Alone by LN Cronk (next book in the Chop-Chop series)
Anyways, that's the update on all things Jackie. I'm almost done with Apollyon, and I'll talk about it in the next post.

Sorry, if I misspelled some words... I really can't see the computer screen.


Thanks for reading!!!

And happy Gerd day! (Wellllll..... to Kyra it's gerd day.....) (it means "geek" and "nerd", btw)



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