Monday, January 7, 2013

More Random and Spectacular News

Hey everyone!

I will go ahead and apologize for my extended absence, but I figured that if I did get on here, there is nothing really new to say, so why bore you? That was my thought on it all.

Right now, I am currently reading The Starter Boyfriend by someone that I can't remember. Usually, I don't read this stuff, but I thought it would be funny.
This girl, Courtney, works at Tux Everlasting, and has decided that her starter boyfriend is this mannequin that she named Tux--referring to the fact that he is wearing a tux *gasps in shock at that surprise*
Anyways, there is this surfer dude that is now her friend--Adam. I will say that I don't particularly like him--he's a little rude. But that is just an opinion. BACK TO THE BOOK! (Sorry)
Okay, Courtney is driving with Tux in her passenger seat--which was just plain stupid since he's not hers--and she gets out for a minute. When she comes back--shocker--Tux is gone. Adam helps her find him--I think, I haven't actually gotten that far yet.
I don't really like some of Courtney's personality either. She steals (or as she says, "temporarily borrows") a mannequin so she can drive. I don't really get her logic on that, but whatever. She says she no longer likes Adam, but she really does, you can tell. She is secretly dating a MANNEQUIN that she named TUX. I don't know, it just seems so...weird. She's a dork.
There is a lot of humor in it--for me at sense of humor is different than most peoples'.

I also finished reading Twilight again. I know, why read that again, but I didn't really want to read any of my other books and it had been over a year since I'd last read it, so I thought Why not?

I also now have an obsession of Doctor Who--it is a tv show on Netflix. It is AWESOME! Like I said, weird sense of humor. I actually only watched the first episode to humor Bailey--who is even more obsessed than me or my brother. My sister thinks it's stupid, but she lies!
I'm still on the 9th doctor, and I've gotten a little attached to him. He's funny and can grin at the strangest situations. It's awesome. I also really like Rose, even though some of her choices are stupid--like hesitating when he asked her to come with him on an adventure of a lifetime--one filled with adventure, mystery, and danger. I would not hesitate for that. EVER!

Yep, there's the update. The news in the title was all of the above ^
I would just like to say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL! I had to announce that since I know you check my blog really frequently.  I wrote a poem...

Roses are blue
Violets are red
It is very true
That you're my friend!

(Yeah, it had nothing to do with your birthday, but I'm no good with poems. Just go with it.)

Here's one that I didn't write, but it's funny.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Some poems rhyme,
Others don't.

That one is epical.

I will now let you get back to your lives. I will add a cool link--Click here if you want to go to an elements of the periodic table game. It was entertaining to me.

Thanks for tuning in.
Stay geeky--always.

Happy birthday,again, Rachel!

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