Sunday, January 27, 2013

I've Finished More Books, So More Reviews and Overviews

Howdy y'all!!! Okay, I apologize for that. It won't happen again.

I finished some books today and yesterday, 2 to be exact, so bear with me here.

First up, Rogue Wave by Christie Anderson--I think that's the author, but I might be a tad confused.
This was the second book in the Water Keepers series, and I think this one was better than the first. Don't get me wrong, I liked the first one, it's just...Rayne and Sadie were finally together in this one. Well, actually, they "broke up" but they made up and it was incredible!!!! They actually kissed in this book! I was like "FINALLY!!!" and everything.
Okay, if you've been reading my blog regularly, you would realize that I talked about this exact book in my last post, but the difference is (just so you know) that I actually finished it so I can say how the ending made me feel. The end was so...awesome. Just awesome. I love Rayne--he is now on my mental list of my book-crushes--which is now very extensive. I read a lot--cut me a break!

Okay, the second book is Breathe by Abbi Glines.
I will say I have read this author's stuff before--with the Existence trilogy--and I was kind of cautious before reading this one. I will say I have nothing against this's just I'm only fourteen and some stuff is a little too much.
I did really like this book--thanks Grace--I really, really, really,REALLY liked this book.
Sadie White is just trying to get through the summer working at a someone's summer mansion. She's seventeen and her mother is pregnant, forcing Sadie to go to her job in her place. So, it's up to Sadie to make sure there is food and the bill's been paid. Later, she realizes that the house she is cleaning and working at is the summer home of Jax Stone--teen hearthrob rockstar. She immediately is cautious around him, not wanting to get fired for simply being a teenage girl. Turns out, he gets a little too interested in her. He starts talking to her and tries to stay away from her because he knows that he could never be more than friends with her--like he really wants to be. He knows that he would have to leave her in September. But he couldn't stop himself from falling, and neither could she.
I know, all romance and stuff, but I don't know...I have a thing for books with rockers. It reminded me a little of one of my favorite books of all time--Rock and a Hard Place.
Okay, I gotta go--my little brother keeps buggin me about watching Doctor Who, so I've gotta run before I get so annoyed that I start screaming at him to shut up.

Thanks for tuning in.
Let out your inner geekiness--we all have some.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Exciting Updates (Wel...Exciting in my perspective)

Hey everyone!

So...I've finished a lot of books recently, so this might be a long-ish post--just warning you.
I've read a lot, so here we go!! These are the exciting book updates:

First on the list... Do Over by Emily Evans.
I enjoyed this one--it was very entertaining. It was a little bit annoying at some parts--since I'm not really a girly-girl and they were talking about clothes and hair and prom. But I did in fact like Trey.
Anyways. Do Over was about this girl--Paisley--who is the leader of the prom committee (aka Sparkle) and they'd raised $50,000 for the senior prom. The football players and her dad (the coach) took the money without her conscent and spent it on a Jumbotron. So, she has to pick up the pieces and try to make the best prom ever. It's all she can focus on because she thought it was the way she could get her parents together. During the book, you get to see her and Trey--a jock from the school--grow closer into almost-friends. He isn't a dumb jock, but he is the kind of guy that has a different girlfriend everyweek, and sometimes goes to a party with one girl and leaves with another. He's that kind of guy. I don't know though...I liked him. He never really gave up, never really relied on anyone. He liked doing things himself.
I would give the book four stars. I liked it, all things considered. It's not really my kind of book, but I liked it. I also liked Paisley's dad's girlfriend Aster. I know I should hate her, since she was her dad's girlfriend, but she was so cooooolll!!!!

Second, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I won't say who it's by, since everyone knows that book.
I never finished it. I barely even started it. Bailey took it back, since she needed it for a Literary thingy in Creative Writing. That is all I have to say about it.

Third, Rogue Wave by Christie Anderson.
I am only a third of the way through it, but it is really good so far. It's the second book in the Water Keepers series, which I meantioned several times over my Christmas Break posts. This one is amazing so far! Rayne and Sadie kissed!!!!! I was all "FINALLY!!!" It was wayyyyyy overdue. They hadn't kissed at all in the first book, even though they were bonded. I don't know...This one is interesting. Sadie has to have the Healing Water every 24 hours to survive, or else she can't control her emotions and passes out. Rayne is in charge of protecting her, keeping an eye on her, and giving her the daily doses of Healing Water. That being said, he didn't use any on himself--he can go a few weeks without dosing himself, but he still needs it. He waited until he was practically empty, using it all on Sadie. Then, when he was supposed to get more, it was stolen. Yep, that's as far as I am. It reveals some more things about Voss and Ash (father and son guys that were villians in the last book. Except Ash helped Rayne and then regretted it, since his father almost died because of it). You also learn that if you get involved, then you can't get out of it. Someone close to Sadie's mom got involved, and Sadie found out, and I was like "What the heck?" and thinking about how crazy that was.
Yeah, I think y'all have had enough for one night. I will give you my current reading list for the weekend.
  1. Rogue Wave by Christie Anderson
  2. Breathe by Abbi Glines
  3. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
  4. Defiance by Shelly Crane
  5. Independence by Shelly Crane
I probably won't get to the last two, but I'm hoping to get through at least #3.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

News, News, Random News That Come Straight From My Freaking Out Brain!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone! Did ya miss me?! I doubt it, since y'all aren't viewing! Come ON people!

I'm just kidding. Yes, I wish my blog was more popular, but what can you expect from a socially rejected nerd geek that lives in the middle of freakin nowhere!? Yeah, I didn't expect much.

For those of you who ARE looking at this... I did finish Matched...I don't know who the author is and I'm too lazy to look it up, so deal with it. And it's a best-seller, so you probably know the trilogy...Matched, Cross, and Reached.
Anyways, I didn't really like it all that much. I have absolutely nothing against people who DID enjoy it, I'm just saying it's not really the book for me. I'm more of an action with a little romance kind of gal--it HAS to have some action.
Reasons I didn't really like Matched:
  1. It didn't have action.
  2. It was a love triangle--which I don't really like. I did read Twilight and The Hunger Games and enjoyed both of them, but I knew who was going to end up with the girl in both of those. I don't like it when they just CAN'T decide, because they're in love with both! I just hate it. Some girls don't get one guy, but girls in books get BOTH guys?
  3. It kind of dragged on for me.
  4. It was repetitive.
  5. I had a ton of other stuff to read, but I had to read this one. It kept me from reading a book that I've been DYING to get. I know it's not Matched's fault, but STILL *I scream in a whiny voice*!!!!!
Yep, those are the reasons. I did enjoy parts of it, though. I did enjoy the futuristic thing, but even that was a bit extreme. I would give this book 3 stars.

On to other stuff....
Right now, if I had to rate myself on a scale of 8 to 14 on how crazy I am with 8 being my normal self and 14 being to ALMOST Bailey's level, I would rate myself at a freakin 13.8! Yesterday, I forgot to turn in my Algebra homework until the end of the hour! That might not be a big deal to you, but think about it...that is a week's worth of work, since we turn in all of our homework from the last week on the day after the weekend. If we don't turn in our homework before the tardy bell starting class, we lose half credit! It's like I didn't turn in 3 days worth of assignments.
And then all of this other stuff has happened and I just can't focus on anything. I feel like I'm just losing it.
Right now, I get about 8 hours of sleep...Why am I still tired? Every second I'm tired. I just...don't know what's going on. I am really stressed, and I know that makes you more tired, but I'm sleeping! And I can't remember anything from the day before. I'm just lost on everything. If you ask me what happened yesterday morning or what today's date is, I wouldn't be able to answer! It sucks.

Okay, I'm done with freaking out via internet. How's your day going?

Richie is bugging me about watching Doctor Who, but I can't. HE WON'T STOP BUGGING ME! WHY!? DOESN'T HE SEE THAT I'M ALREADY STRESSED AND FREAKING OUT!!!!

And someone from my past said hi to me in the hallway today. Why? I don't want to talk to him. I don't even remember what we disagreed about a long time ago, but seriously...he just does that to annoy me and I have HAD IT!

This is getting really long. I'm sorry. For those of you who made it this far....
This is bunny.

I like bunny.

Thanks for tuning in!

Friday, January 18, 2013

I Have WAY Too Much to Do and Read!!!!

Hey everyone!

Okay, updating  everything...

Right now I am currently reading (in no particular order)
  1. Significance
  2. Accordance
  3. Do Over
  4. Perks of being a Wallflower
  5. Rogue Wave
  6. Ranger's Apprentice book 1
  7. Matched
  8. The Sky is Everywhere
Yes, I'm SUPER busy reading all of these, since I've started almost all of them. I am planning on reading them during the 3-day weekend, but I know I can't read all of those in 3 days, and I have to spend a little bit of time in the real world.

So...what's up with you?


Thanks for reading!
Stay geeky


Monday, January 14, 2013

More Book Reviews and More Contemplation on Random Things from my mind...

Hey y'alls! It's been a few days.

Sorry, I've been reading a lot, and finishing a lot of books, but I've been to busy to review them.

First, I will start off with talking about Guardian by S.B. idk the last name of the author, so deal with it.
It was good--all things considered. It was a little confusing, but I caught on. The ending made me mad, though.
In the end, something happens to Gabe, Abby finds out about the angels and demons--right at the end--Raph tries to save Gabe. 1) You don't know if Raph succeeds. 2) She finds out right at the end that she isn't human. 3) It never tells you what  she is. She isn't a demon, human, or angel. What is she? The whole book was about angels protecting her because she isn't human! Those were the problems I had with it. The climax was the end and there was no resolution--that bugs me when books do that.

Second book I finished... Accordance by Shelly Crane (I think that's the author--I'm about 92% sure. I've been reading a lot, so I could be confused. I'm pretty sure it's Shelly Crane)
Click HERE! if you never read that post. It is confusing if you don't read it first.
I liked it. It is the second book in the Significance series--which I talked about at the end of December about how amazing it was. This book didn't have as much action as I would have liked--or much conflict with outside characters. This one was Maggie dealing with her brother Bish--how he knows she's lying about things but she won't tell him what's going on for real. There is also conflict with Kyle--who is Caleb's cousin, he was in love with Maggie but can't be with her since she's Caleb's significant. Also, there is conflict with Caleb--himself. He doesn't know what his ability is yet (but you find out what it is in this book--if he has one, I'm not going to give you that definite answer.)
There is still conflict with Sikes, but that's in the end, and a little bit of annoyance from Marcus at the beginning. Marla--Marcus's sister--is in this one.
I am definitely going to continue the series. It's weird to think that in the second book, Caleb and Maggie had only known each other for 2 weeks--TWO WEEKS. It feels like they've known each other for months. Caleb almost proposes in this book--key word being almost (he was interrupted by Kyle) but Maggie still answers, so...all is well. TWO WEEKS!!!

Book #3: First Love by........
I hated this book. I thought the beginning was fine--good enough to buy for $2--but then in the middle and was terrible. I will just say it was not meant for people under the age of...I don't know. Not for 15 and below maybe? It had some inappropriate material in it. BAD!!! I was really disappointed since I was kind of wanting to read it to find out what happens with Eric and Emily, but I didn't really enjoy it. It was terrible. Just...don't read it. Please! I give it 1 star! I DIDN'T LIKE IT!

I have more books to review, but this is getting really

That's it for me, folks.

Thanks for tuning in.
Stay nerdy.
Peace out

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Hey everyone!

I am still currently reading Guardian--I'm just dragging it out a bit since a lot of stuff is going on right now. It is at its climax, so I'm excited.

I finished the first season of Doctor Who! I was so sad when the 9th doctor died! I will miss him--I loved his grin the best. I like the 11th doctor's hair the best, and I like the 10th's basic crazy look. I think if they are one of the doctors, there has to be a crazy factor. I think the 9th, 10th, and 11th doctors had that down perfectly--that's why I love the show.

I have not began reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower yet, even though Bailey really wants me to. One thing at a time is what I say. I'm watching Doctor Who and reading Guardians--that's already two things, I don't think I can take any more than that.

Yep, that's the update.

Thanks for tuning in!
Stay geeky.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Random Awesomeness From ME!

Hey everybody! How are you doing on this lovely day?

I am currently reading Guardian by S. B. something. It is really good, I enjoy it a lot. There are some things about it that are annoying, but other stuff is okay. The author is British--I think. I love that kind of stuff! They spell stuff so much cooler! And their pronunciations sound more....posh--I'll go with posh. I can NOT do a good British accent--I'm not too talented with that kind of thing.

Today, in my English class, we were talking about types of nonfiction. We then read a story that was actually a blog about the Mars rover Spirit. We talked a lot about the importance of having a journal, and that's what a blog is...a journal. The difference is blogs are online, everyone can see them, and they have the most recent first. I thought it was funny how we were talking about how important it is to journal and blog, and that's what I do practically every day.

By the way...I did put a question on my right sidebar--under the book covers. If you are on my blog, please answer it. It is just an opinion type of thing--there is no wrong answer.

Well, that's it for me!

Thank you for tuning in.
Stay geeky.


Monday, January 7, 2013

More Random and Spectacular News

Hey everyone!

I will go ahead and apologize for my extended absence, but I figured that if I did get on here, there is nothing really new to say, so why bore you? That was my thought on it all.

Right now, I am currently reading The Starter Boyfriend by someone that I can't remember. Usually, I don't read this stuff, but I thought it would be funny.
This girl, Courtney, works at Tux Everlasting, and has decided that her starter boyfriend is this mannequin that she named Tux--referring to the fact that he is wearing a tux *gasps in shock at that surprise*
Anyways, there is this surfer dude that is now her friend--Adam. I will say that I don't particularly like him--he's a little rude. But that is just an opinion. BACK TO THE BOOK! (Sorry)
Okay, Courtney is driving with Tux in her passenger seat--which was just plain stupid since he's not hers--and she gets out for a minute. When she comes back--shocker--Tux is gone. Adam helps her find him--I think, I haven't actually gotten that far yet.
I don't really like some of Courtney's personality either. She steals (or as she says, "temporarily borrows") a mannequin so she can drive. I don't really get her logic on that, but whatever. She says she no longer likes Adam, but she really does, you can tell. She is secretly dating a MANNEQUIN that she named TUX. I don't know, it just seems so...weird. She's a dork.
There is a lot of humor in it--for me at sense of humor is different than most peoples'.

I also finished reading Twilight again. I know, why read that again, but I didn't really want to read any of my other books and it had been over a year since I'd last read it, so I thought Why not?

I also now have an obsession of Doctor Who--it is a tv show on Netflix. It is AWESOME! Like I said, weird sense of humor. I actually only watched the first episode to humor Bailey--who is even more obsessed than me or my brother. My sister thinks it's stupid, but she lies!
I'm still on the 9th doctor, and I've gotten a little attached to him. He's funny and can grin at the strangest situations. It's awesome. I also really like Rose, even though some of her choices are stupid--like hesitating when he asked her to come with him on an adventure of a lifetime--one filled with adventure, mystery, and danger. I would not hesitate for that. EVER!

Yep, there's the update. The news in the title was all of the above ^
I would just like to say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL! I had to announce that since I know you check my blog really frequently.  I wrote a poem...

Roses are blue
Violets are red
It is very true
That you're my friend!

(Yeah, it had nothing to do with your birthday, but I'm no good with poems. Just go with it.)

Here's one that I didn't write, but it's funny.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Some poems rhyme,
Others don't.

That one is epical.

I will now let you get back to your lives. I will add a cool link--Click here if you want to go to an elements of the periodic table game. It was entertaining to me.

Thanks for tuning in.
Stay geeky--always.

Happy birthday,again, Rachel!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Biggest Shocker Ever

Hey guys! What's up?

So, I have some news...
I finally have access to Throne of Glass by something Maas....anyways, I finally got it at the library, and I get home to read it and...I decided not to read it all.
Just so you know...I have nothing against the book or the author, it's just.....I waited months to read it and I think I just waited so long that it lost it's appeal to me. I just skimmed through it to find out which guy she ends up with and I was really disappointed in the end--because I liked the other guy.

Another thing--me and Bailey geeked out today. She wanted to go to Neverland, so we did, and it was awesome. Mostly, though, we just hung out. We watched two movies--Land of the Lost and Hackers. I hadn't ever seen Hackers, but it was pretty cool and funny. I own the other one, so I've seen it a lot.

I wish I would have read Rangers Apprentice, but (and don't kill me Rachel) I don't think I'm going to finish it either. That is the biggest shocker ever--me not finishing two books in one week.
I could get in to it, but it doesn't hold me as much as other books do. I'm also no good with all of the castles and midevil stuff--I like more modern stuff.
I just don't really see the point in reading about guards and knights and seeing names that I have no hope of pronouncing correctly. Again--nothing against it, it's just not really my thing. I can't focus when I'm reading it--I don't know what it is. Me and Rachel like some of the same books, but other stuff, like mid-evil and dragons--are her thing, and books that are more realistic are more my thing. We both do like some of the same paranormal romances *cough--lux series* and some other stuff.

Anyways, that's the update on all things me. I'm sorry again to Rachel--I haven't decided if I'm going to stop reading Ranger's Apprentice, I'm just not sure I'll finish it.

I guess I'll let you get back to your life, just like I need to get back to mine.

Thanks for tuning in.
Stay geeky.