Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Random Awesomeness From ME!

Hey everybody! How are you doing on this lovely day?

I am currently reading Guardian by S. B. something. It is really good, I enjoy it a lot. There are some things about it that are annoying, but other stuff is okay. The author is British--I think. I love that kind of stuff! They spell stuff so much cooler! And their pronunciations sound more....posh--I'll go with posh. I can NOT do a good British accent--I'm not too talented with that kind of thing.

Today, in my English class, we were talking about types of nonfiction. We then read a story that was actually a blog about the Mars rover Spirit. We talked a lot about the importance of having a journal, and that's what a blog is...a journal. The difference is blogs are online, everyone can see them, and they have the most recent first. I thought it was funny how we were talking about how important it is to journal and blog, and that's what I do practically every day.

By the way...I did put a question on my right sidebar--under the book covers. If you are on my blog, please answer it. It is just an opinion type of thing--there is no wrong answer.

Well, that's it for me!

Thank you for tuning in.
Stay geeky.


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