Monday, January 14, 2013

More Book Reviews and More Contemplation on Random Things from my mind...

Hey y'alls! It's been a few days.

Sorry, I've been reading a lot, and finishing a lot of books, but I've been to busy to review them.

First, I will start off with talking about Guardian by S.B. idk the last name of the author, so deal with it.
It was good--all things considered. It was a little confusing, but I caught on. The ending made me mad, though.
In the end, something happens to Gabe, Abby finds out about the angels and demons--right at the end--Raph tries to save Gabe. 1) You don't know if Raph succeeds. 2) She finds out right at the end that she isn't human. 3) It never tells you what  she is. She isn't a demon, human, or angel. What is she? The whole book was about angels protecting her because she isn't human! Those were the problems I had with it. The climax was the end and there was no resolution--that bugs me when books do that.

Second book I finished... Accordance by Shelly Crane (I think that's the author--I'm about 92% sure. I've been reading a lot, so I could be confused. I'm pretty sure it's Shelly Crane)
Click HERE! if you never read that post. It is confusing if you don't read it first.
I liked it. It is the second book in the Significance series--which I talked about at the end of December about how amazing it was. This book didn't have as much action as I would have liked--or much conflict with outside characters. This one was Maggie dealing with her brother Bish--how he knows she's lying about things but she won't tell him what's going on for real. There is also conflict with Kyle--who is Caleb's cousin, he was in love with Maggie but can't be with her since she's Caleb's significant. Also, there is conflict with Caleb--himself. He doesn't know what his ability is yet (but you find out what it is in this book--if he has one, I'm not going to give you that definite answer.)
There is still conflict with Sikes, but that's in the end, and a little bit of annoyance from Marcus at the beginning. Marla--Marcus's sister--is in this one.
I am definitely going to continue the series. It's weird to think that in the second book, Caleb and Maggie had only known each other for 2 weeks--TWO WEEKS. It feels like they've known each other for months. Caleb almost proposes in this book--key word being almost (he was interrupted by Kyle) but Maggie still answers, so...all is well. TWO WEEKS!!!

Book #3: First Love by........
I hated this book. I thought the beginning was fine--good enough to buy for $2--but then in the middle and was terrible. I will just say it was not meant for people under the age of...I don't know. Not for 15 and below maybe? It had some inappropriate material in it. BAD!!! I was really disappointed since I was kind of wanting to read it to find out what happens with Eric and Emily, but I didn't really enjoy it. It was terrible. Just...don't read it. Please! I give it 1 star! I DIDN'T LIKE IT!

I have more books to review, but this is getting really

That's it for me, folks.

Thanks for tuning in.
Stay nerdy.
Peace out

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