Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Biggest Shocker Ever

Hey guys! What's up?

So, I have some news...
I finally have access to Throne of Glass by something Maas....anyways, I finally got it at the library, and I get home to read it and...I decided not to read it all.
Just so you know...I have nothing against the book or the author, it's just.....I waited months to read it and I think I just waited so long that it lost it's appeal to me. I just skimmed through it to find out which guy she ends up with and I was really disappointed in the end--because I liked the other guy.

Another thing--me and Bailey geeked out today. She wanted to go to Neverland, so we did, and it was awesome. Mostly, though, we just hung out. We watched two movies--Land of the Lost and Hackers. I hadn't ever seen Hackers, but it was pretty cool and funny. I own the other one, so I've seen it a lot.

I wish I would have read Rangers Apprentice, but (and don't kill me Rachel) I don't think I'm going to finish it either. That is the biggest shocker ever--me not finishing two books in one week.
I could get in to it, but it doesn't hold me as much as other books do. I'm also no good with all of the castles and midevil stuff--I like more modern stuff.
I just don't really see the point in reading about guards and knights and seeing names that I have no hope of pronouncing correctly. Again--nothing against it, it's just not really my thing. I can't focus when I'm reading it--I don't know what it is. Me and Rachel like some of the same books, but other stuff, like mid-evil and dragons--are her thing, and books that are more realistic are more my thing. We both do like some of the same paranormal romances *cough--lux series* and some other stuff.

Anyways, that's the update on all things me. I'm sorry again to Rachel--I haven't decided if I'm going to stop reading Ranger's Apprentice, I'm just not sure I'll finish it.

I guess I'll let you get back to your life, just like I need to get back to mine.

Thanks for tuning in.
Stay geeky.

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