Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hello, Random People of the Planet! I FINISHED MY BOOK!

Wassup? How are y'all tonight? Doin' good? I'm pretty good, in case you were wondering.

About 5 seconds ago, I finished my book--Shattered by Elizabeth Lee. I will say the general story line was pretty good, but it did lack was a little annoying. This girl's best friend--Garret (I think that's how they spelled his name)--who died in a car accident. Her other best friend (and the guy she had a crush on)--Jesse--left her without even saying goodbye. He moved to Florida and didn't contact her in any way, shape, or form during that whole time. The story starts off when he comes back, the only reason he would have to come back was...Alyssa.
In my opinion, there was way too much cussing and...other stuff in it for my taste. They were drinking underage...that kind of thing (they mentioned drinking when they were 15, maybe younger).
Anyways, I still liked the general story--three friends who lost everything, and the  two are left to pick up the pieces.
It was a little bit depressing--I can't even imagine being at one of my best friend's funeral when they were only 18 when they died. It would suck!
Anyway, I would give it 2.5 stars. While the general story was good, I was really disappointed with it. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have bought it.

Now, I'm not buying another book this week. I'm determined to just stop buying them and start re...reading books for a while so I can actually earn money for a little bit.

Tomorrow...the world will end. NOT! I seriously doubt it will happen. Everyone can think as they like, but I don't believe the Mayans could have seen the world ending. More likely, I think they just got tired of making calenders.

I'M FINALLY OFF FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK! I don't have to get up early tomorrow! I can just read and read and read.

Do you peoples think I read to much? My parents are a little bit frustrated with me right now, since I spent the last six hours on my bed, not moving, only reading and ignoring the rest of the world.

I think I do, but it's a way for my mind to be at peace. I like the feeling of transporting my mind somewhere else, and you can imagine how everything looks as you go--unlike movies, where you have to watch the scene as they put it. It was also my way of coping when things got rough for me....I don't know, I just like it because I don't think--it's like I can be anyone I want. But, when I finally put the book away, I can just

Nothing extremely funny happened today, even though Bailey's spitting issues from yesterday did come up a few times. Yep, turns out, Kandy knew there was a piece if lettuce in the soda, but didn't put it there on purpose. She originally gave me the soda, but my throat was hurting, so I gave it to Bailey instead of drinking it...I've never been more happy to have a sore throat in all of my life.


Thank you for tuning into my extreme randomness and book-love nerdness.

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