Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Extremely Random Book-nerdiness and Other Random Stuff From My Extremely Nerdy Mind (Pi, Blue, The History Channel, Books, Math, Bailey's Spitting Issues)

Hey peoples! How's everything with y'all 'round the globe?

It is getting so cold here! I usually don't go outside anyways, but I prefer warmer least 60 degrees (F) for me to be good.

I finished The Prince with Amnesia last night--at eleven o'clock. I was really tired this morning since I had to get up at five--freaking--thirty.
The ending wasn't as good as I thought it would be--the overall book didn't meet my high expectations--but it was pretty good. I think it was worth the time, so what really matters about the ending? It still ended the way I wanted it to, but I think the author should've extended it a little more--but I say that for pretty much every book, unless the main character dies.

I only missed one point on my math midterm! I'm really good at math, but I freak out a little when I  have to take a test like that. An example of my nerdness is I won a bet with Rachel last week--I had to memorize pi to the 75th decimal. Right now, I can say pi up to the 119th decimal (I got bored in my History class).

Yeah, that's pretty much it for me. I DID rerererererere(I don't know how many 're's)read Silence and I reread Opal. I REALLY shouldn't have read Opal because I HATE THE ENDING! But, on the other hand, Silence's ending is freaking wonderful, so I'm glad I it.

I don't know what I want to read next--I can't afford many more books--I think I'm gonna just a ton of the books on my nook and hope for the best.

Bailey was funny today. At lunch, she had a bottle of lemon juice that her and Kyra were drinking from. It was funny because we dared Bailey to do three gulps without making a face. She said she could and took a gulp and completely lost it! She made a really funny face and spit it out--all over her tray. It was also funny because my other friend Kandy gave her the rest of her soda, and we left for class. In the middle of a movie we were watching, I look over and see Bailey take another drink of the Coke and make a face. She leaned into the aisle and spit it on the floor! She screamed "THERE WAS SOMETHING SOLID IN THAT!" I burst out laughing and turns out, it was a piece of lettuce--Kandy's doing.

It was pretty funny.

Sorrrrrrry.....I've been doing that lately, going to random topics for no apparent reason.
Parker once had me, him, Sam, and Bailey play a game. We started off with a random word and we had to think of what that made us think of...on and on and on...and see where we ended up. I started with blue and ended with the History Channel. My mind went through a lot to get to that, but it was still a weird outcome.

Sorry again.

I really want to now read Heir to Terror. It looks really good, but I don't know if I'll read it 'cause I also really, REALLY want to read Destiny's Fire (I think that's what it's called). Yep....Well I gtg.

Thanks for tuning into my randomness!

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