Monday, December 10, 2012


I just finished How to Date an Alien! It was awesome!

I have a giant weakness with alien books--even though I haven't even read I am Number Four yet.

How to Date an Alien was about this girl--Alex--who is really intelligent and would get into an awesome Ivy League school...if she had more extracurriculars. So, the summer before her senior year, she asks her dad to get her an internship at the Air Force base he works in--Circe.
She gets there and is immediately attacked by this old lady-looking thing. She is almost choked to death. Her dad had to explain to her in the infirmary that aliens exist and this was not an Air Force place--it was a place where aliens lived.
Circe was inside a few mountains in Arizona, and there is desert all around for, like, thirty miles.
She gets assigned in the security office with the alien that had saved her life with Magpie--the alien that had tried to kill her--Ace. He was also an alien--a Caltian, to be exact--from the planet Calta.
In the same day, at lunch, she is almost killed again, the only difference was this was an octopus looking alien and he was aiming for someone else. Ace saved her again.

What is it with hot aliens? Why couldn't Ace be, like, some ugly green, grotesque guy with three fingers on each hand and a giant eye in the middle of his face? Instead he had to be tall and pale, have cool spikey-ish, black hair, and looks like he's wearing--Alex's quote--"guyliner"--that's how Alex described him.
But seriously! That is soooooo not fair! I wish I could be part of an intergalactic war between the most feared queen in the universe with absolutely no training whatsoever--as long as I could get the guy in the end.

Yeah, I have a funny story for you peoples about this book. I was reading it last night at, like, 9:30, and my head was at the very edge of my pillow, reading intensely. I didn't realize that my iPod was, like, three inches away from my ear. I had just read about the queen of Calta--Ace's mom-- declaring war on Earth and she was going to do it just to get to Alex. Then, right after she finished, I heard a loud BEEP!!!!! I jump up and almost scream. My heart was beating really fast and my sister was in there too--probably wondering what the heck was my problem. My face was probably pale and I was probably looking as freaked as I felt. Then I realized Rachel had texted me and my iPod was on full volume. Hey, to me, I was so deeply into the story that it felt like I was Alex, then I hear something that could resemble how alien weaponry sounds.

I'm gonna make this even longer than it needs to be. Have you peoples ever thought about what could happen if there is a zombie apocalypse? I can honestly say I have never thought about it...until today. Parker--my friend--was being all nerdy and then said something about the best weapon in a zombie apocalypse would be Isaac with a knife. Then he said he was in charge of chemical weaponry (you know, creating it and stuff...and testing it). I asked if I could be one of the Nerds in Charge, and now I am along with (including me):
  • Me
  • Parker
  • Rachel
  • Rachel
I am in charge of all of the trajectories and angles and firing the weapons and stuff (you know, the math genious!) Rachel (the one with the blog Anime Fluff) would be in charge of blueprints--drawing mostly. It's so perfect! Have you people seen Rachel's drawing skills? Seriously! They make me (and half of the school) jealous! Rachel is in charge of military something-or-other (in other words, I forgot). Bailey is going to be the person talking to the zombies, confusing them with her words like she does with living people (or annoying them, whichever works).

Yep, I think I've tortured you peoples enough for one day.

Thank you for reading my incredibly long obsession about hot aliens, Parker's randomness on the likeliness of a zombie apocalypse, and all of the positions we've planned (kiddingly) for a fake zombie apocalypse. And thank you for reading my really long closing statement ;)

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