Saturday, December 8, 2012


I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! How could Opal end like that? WHY?!

Like, two seconds ago, I finished Opal. I ain't gonna spoil nothin for y'all but the ending was really sad--really, really, really, really sad. I just can't believe the ending. I thought it would end somewhat happily, but that was nowhere near somewhat happy, barely happy or even remotely happy.

Dawson was a lot better the farther along I got in the book. Dee came around a little more--not much, but it's a start. Ash was still the same brat. I liked Andrew a bit more in this one--only because he wasn't such a jerk and he was a good friend to Dee. Some stuff happened that I thought would never happen--people appeared and disappeared. Everyone in town suspects something because of all of the missing teenagers.
Daemon is still hot---really hot. I'm so glad Katy finally admitted her feelings. They were dating the whole book, so I was satisfied. Daemon could also be the same dude that Katy first met--but at least she doesn't flip him off anymore.
I would give the book five stars--it was fantastic. There were tons of surprises. What surprised me was there weren't as many Arum in this book--which got on my nerves because I like those fights. It was an awesome book, but now I need to get on with my life and try to forget until the next book comes out--you, I won't completely lose it and have to go to a mental hospital.

I've got to move on to other books--I still have to read (or rerereread)
  • Rangers Apprentice (yes, Rachel's getting me to read it.)
  • Half-Blood
  • Hush, Hush
  • Silence
  • Throne of Glass
  • And others
I just started writing again yesterday. Have I ever mentioned I want to write the stories someday--instead of just reading them?
Yeah, well, whatever.
The story is about a girl with amnesia and this guy comes in and tells her a story. The whole book is the story he tells. It's gonna be sweeeeeeet!


  1. Isn't that sort of like the Notebook? Only the girl in the notebook has Alzheimer's not amnesia.

  2. NOT THE SAME THING! It is completely different than the Notebook, Bailey. It's different. The little sister of the main character can read MINDS! Can ANYONE in the Notebook read minds?
    Gosh, Bailey.

  3. You didn't say that her little sister could read minds. . . I sorry Jackie.
